
“  Most people are principally aware of one culture, one setting, one home; exiles are aware of at least two, and this plurality of vision gives rise to an awareness of simultaneous dimensions, an awareness that—to borrow a phrase from music—is contrapuntal…. For an exile, habits of life, expression or activity in the new environment inevitably occur against the memory of those things in another environment.  Thus both the new and the old environments are vivid, actual, occurring together contrapuntally.“    

(Edward Said, On Exile)

The Migrant Universe series is a visual poem about identity and worldview of an immigrant: exile, longing, translation, and memory. An immigrant to United States from Bosnia, once part of Yugoslavia, I am fascinated by questions of cultural identity or cultural belonging on an intellectual level but I experience and feel what Edward Said called “the contrapuntal reality [of an exile]” very acutely:  I have transitioned through three citizenships in addition to one period of being a citizen of no country.  In both my new and old countries, outdated notions of national and ethnic identity and belonging continue to shape the politics and the society.

The visual vocabulary of Migrant Universe drawings suggests a displaced existence: fragmented memories, adaptation, revival, and transformation.  Because I do not live and work within the comfort or boundaries of the culture in which I first learned to observe, interpret and engage the world, I have the arguable privilege of having lived more than one life.  My memory is my virtual self and, paradoxically, my most authentic self.  Yet, memory is a process that involves erosions and accretions that occur with any reconstructive, interpretative or artistic act. One re-connects that which has been broken, fragmented or overlaid.  Re-membering becomes an act of reconstruction, where one works with what is there and tries to visualize what has been lost. 

Because each act of memorization necessarily involves interpretation, there can be no objective recollection.  Nor is there full erasure; like matter, memory seems to persist by transforming.  

The images in Migrant Universe suggest what Said called “an awareness of simultaneous dimensions.”  For example, maps and star charts speak of conventional interpretations of scale and distance, their fidelity assured only within accepted systems of perceiving and organizing of space.  I am interested in what they may become, layered upon each other in visual conversations with other elements in the drawing.  In Migrant Universe, the drawings function as re-arrangeable continuum of maps, landscapes and portraits of memory and identity.

Migrant Universe: Angel of Becoming
acrylic, pigment, chalk on paper mounted on panel
60"x60"/ 152x152 cm
Migrant Universe: Angel of Absence
acrylic, pigment, chalk on paper mounted on panel
60"x60"/ 152x152 cm
Migrant Universe: Heart of the Matter
acrylic, pigment, chalk on paper mounted on panel
60"x60"/ 152x152 cm
Migrant Universe: Evangelist
acrylic, pigment, chalk on paper mounted on panel
60"x60"/ 152x152 cm
Migrant Universe: Night in the Garden
acrylic, pigment, chalk on paper mounted on panel
60"x120"/ 152x304 cm
Migrant Universe: Map of What Happened
acrylic, pigment, chalk on paper mounted on panel
60"x120"/ 152x304 cm
Migrant Universe: Revolution
acrylic, pigment, chalk on paper mounted on panel
60"x120"/ 152x304 cm
Migrant Universe: Departure Landscape
acrylic, pigment, chalk on paper mounted on panel
60"x120"/ 152x304 cm
Migrant Universe: Time and Space
acrylic, pigment, chalk on paper mounted on panel
60"x180"/ 152x456 cm
Migrant Universe: Nocturne for My Father
acrylic, pigment, chalk on paper mounted on panel
60"x180"/ 152x456 cm